Between the Lines
The grapevine suggests that the girl in blue who videoed a suspect falling from a ceiling during a meth raid has been terminated. Work policies need to be followed.
Speaking of resignations, there is word that a few staff from the power company have ended their employment. Some say it has to do with the electrocution incident.
Hardly any bus shelter at Savalalo. What would happen if it rains? It would be fantastic to see if the authorities would take urgent action and have the shelters standing again before the October event.
Quite a number of small motorbikes or scooters were noticed around town. The bikes are not dangerous, the other vehicle drivers who have no regard for road rules are.
It has been confirmed that Manu Samoa will host Tonga at the end of the month. The boys must put on an impressive performance, the World Cup is at stake.
While on sports, what will become of the future of the sevens coach? Will the board meet like they did with the XVs coach and advertise his job? His contract ends this year.