Between the Lines


With the cold weather setting in, there would be unscrupulous businesses who would be quick to hike up the prices for blankets and warm clothes.


Frequent consumers of ava must be dreading the cold. This weather tends to dry up and crack the skin of ava drinkers. Good news for those selling body lotions and lip balms.


The cold weather could also be an opportunity for businesses to save on power bills. It is not that hot and quite windy. Opening windows and shutting the air-condition units could save money.


If you own firearms that are not registered or illegal, please surrender them. The gun amnesty starts August 1. Police will also be making a major announcement on Thursday.


It is Father’s Day weekend next week. Many would be heading to the superannuation to get a few extra bucks. Do not wait until the last minute because that is when the queue becomes longer.


Keyboard warriors are slowly proving that unlike the dinosaurs who were made extinct by a cosmic activity, humanity will be wiped off by idiocracy.


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