Between the Lines


Livestock on highways is a concern as accidents can lead to injury to passengers but it is of more concern if livestock, in this case bulls decide to charge at vehicles. Happened early Monday morning in Tiavea.


Lupesoliai La'aulialemalietoa Joseph Parker has shown that he is not just a good boxer but can hold his footing in a music video where he takes an unorthodox jab at his next opponent.


Fiji’s 75-year-old prime minister Sitiveni Rabuka has posted pictures of him working out after Easter. The Speaker here should take all members of the House for a walk every afternoon. Lead by example.


While the government refuses to unveil the names of the hotels earmarked to keep guests during the CHOGM, the Commonwealth secretary-general was too happy to tweet about them.


It is a major health concern. Young men working on an open truck that is used to collect trash are sitting on top of the piles of rubbish. They are also paid minimum wage.


Owners of pets need to keep their animals hydrated. There were reports of a few dogs meeting their untimely demise in the past week and these were attributed to the heat and lack of shade.



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