Between the Lines


Who was that Associate Minister who could not help himself from getting on the stage to "aiuli" as the newly crowned Miss Samoa performed her first siva Samoa.


Wonder the reason behind having closed doors ceremony for the Miss Samoa prize giving when the entire event was a public one and even broadcasted live on TV.


Will the government be appointing new CEOs to the new ministry they have announced. Only two weeks remain for the ministers to take up new portfolios.


A family had a shock of their life when they discovered chicken from a popular chicken place in town to be half cooked. Hopefully there were no feathers on the cooked chicken.


The bar was set pretty high for Miss Samoa. Is the Miss Samoa Global event still happening and is the Miss Global still coming to Samoa? Only time will tell.


People looking for taro for their Sunday toonai were left to make do with breadfruit and bananas only. It would be a shame if taro is in short supply.


The defunct building in New Zealand is causing a stir. The former leader is pointing fingers at a former colleague who chairs the ruling party and he is pointing fingers back at him. Both were in power together once.


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