Between the Lines


One by-election candidate promised voters he would be given a ministry if he was re-elected. He must have been floored by Wednesday’s announcement!


A Cabinet Minister’s driver, who goes into a speed rage every time he spots the car driven by a scribe, should be pulled up by cops and given a lecture.


The Opposition didn’t come out firing as one would have expected following the Cabinet reshuffle. They must have got inside intel that a bigger one is brewing.


PR officers working on press releases should go easy on the use of adjectives i.e. descriptive words. Keep it simple and avoid pompous language. 


The contestants had breakfast with the PM yesterday. One asked if the MP ever contemplated being a contestant while growing up. She replied: “I chose a bigger stage!”


The pre-pageant question and session with Miss Samoa contestants was a farce. Judges appeared unprepared and some of their questions were too long contestants got confused!

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