Between the Lines


Word on the grapevine of the Commonwealth Secretariat accepting that Apia lacks rooms for CHOGM so a big cruiseliner to anchor in the harbour is being organised.


The open invitation by the Tourism Minister for entrepreneurs eyeing open spaces next to the STA fale to contact them has sparked interest among various people. 


But the problem is where are the information sheets for interested entrepreneurs or was this just an overnight policy? Best to just set up an info booth at Friendship Park.


Have to wonder what the Education CEO was thinking when he heard his minister the other day proposing a major language policy shift. He has to start multitasking.


Any chance the Prisons Ministry top brass can change the percentage break-up that prisoners make from their art sales? It should be 60/40 in the inmates’ favour.


Candidates are bracing themselves for next week’s three by-elections. Will we see an Independent get elected to the House for the first time in this session?

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