Between the Lines


A lot of misinformation is being circulated on Facebook pages set up by the supporters of Samoan political parties. Access them at your own peril.


This recent comment by the PM during an ABC TV interview on women's leadership nailed it: “If you want anything done, you are usually asking the women to do it.” 


Government MPs must be heaving a sigh of relief with the Teuila Festival now underway. Last week’s Kite Runner coverage from Pago was becoming unbearable.


Congratulations to the Speaker and the Clerk of the House on the new-look ‘Palemene’ website. It looks content-rich and user-friendly but is still under construction.


Brace yourselves for Samoa’s rugby experts to come out of the woodwork this weekend for the RWC opening and when the Manu opens its account against Chile in a fortnight. 


Hope we are mindful of our litter when out and about during the Teuila Festival this week. Let’s aim to leave lasting impressions, even if we use litter bins from Fiji!

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