Between the Lines


Finance people in different government ministries are busy compiling reports before the end of the current financial year for the budget. Some are even working overtime to meet their deadlines. Surely enough, the paycheck will be worth it once they receive their overtime payments.


A senior church leader on Saturday was critiquing the performers out loud at a church gathering. He was not aware that people around him heard his harsh comments. To top it off, he was seated right next to a person who was live-streaming the performances.


A member of parliament who was always against the $1 million tala project was seen signing the grant for the district last week. All this time, he kept questioning whether the proposition was ever to happen. Let’s hope that the MP has wise use for the taxpayers’ money given to his constituency.


It is rather ironic when church leaders are asked for comments on issues. In most cases, the comments never come through. However, when the camera was pointed at them during the conference, the general response was a demand for it to be on the front page.


It seems the Government Press Secretariat and ministries’ media people are forgetting to invite the media again for events. The head of health held a discussion with the PM and there was a graduation for the Ministry of Police which most of the public are still unaware of. Samoans have right to know what is happening within the Government.


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