Between the Lines


Great to see the State Audit Office going big online on staff promos with their qualifications. But why is the current administration looking abroad for forensic auditors?


Samoan diaspora wants the new Miss Samoa to audition for the Moana role in the upcoming production. But she’s reportedly said singing is one of her weaknesses! 


The government entity that has been sending out media alerts only in Samoan and not English needs to be reminded that Samoa is part of a global village.


Top marks to the Aussies for setting up solar-powered lights on Apolima and Manono islands, definitely help mitigate the effects of climate change!


Apolima and Manono islands have been getting high-profile visitors. Last month it was the Japanese Ambassador who visited Apolima and recently Australia's top diplomat went to both islands.


The local MP went as part of the official opening delegation to the islands with the Aussies. The recent trip to Apolima might compel him to do something about the broken wharf.

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