Samoa Observer

Between The Lines

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Between The Lines


The PIF Secreratiat big boys in Suva are in town. Scribe turns up for an interview but got turned away. The next minute their speech is getting live-streamed!  


Poor island leaders cannot decide between the benefits of one-on-one interviews or a social media live stream. Who said only teens are addicted to going live?


Pictures being posted on social media point to a full-scale disaster zone on the big island. But where is the Ministry responsible for emergency aid?


In other countries, local authorities would have been announcing emergency aid yesterday afternoon for stricken families. Deafening silence thus far. 


A recent exchange on a TV show between an estranged political heavy and an over-zealous host could have led to the show’s demise. Old shows getting deleted. 

IT'S 300 

The meteorological office recorded 300 mm of rain at Vai’a’ata since Wednesday night, which explains the severity of the flooding in Savai’i. 

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