Boy from Fogapoa wins Samoa's first Athletics medal

By Thomas Airey 15 July 2019, 10:40PM

Laurence Faapoi Tasi scored Samoa's first Pacific Games Athletic medal at Apia Park on Monday.

He won silver in the men's javelin throw.

The 19-year-old from Fogopoa, Savai'i said he was very happy and proud for the achievement.

“This is the first time I’ve represented Samoa, and I won a silver medal for the name of Samoa," he said.

“I never forget my family, especially my parents, church and village. And most of all my school Tuasivi College."

Felise Vahai Sosaia of Wallis and Futuna won the gold medal, while Lakona Gerega picked up bronze.

Athletics is continuing until Friday.

By Thomas Airey 15 July 2019, 10:40PM
Samoa Observer

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