Between the Lines


Kudos to the boys in blue for setting up operations on the back roads during peak traffic time. This helped bag illegal drivers and vehicles but did not cause congestion on the main road.


The government will bring in 60 more electric cars to add to the 19 already in the country. 79 electric cars but where are the charging stations?


It would be good to have a drive to register all those who are disabled and then allocate the money needed for the benefits. This way there would be enough from financial year to financial year.


The police found a teen missing for almost a week on Tuesday. It is believed he ran away from home after being allegedly disciplined by a parent.


To improve health and local produce, the district councils should develop a reward system for homes with the best vegetable gardens. Now that is killing two birds with one stone.


Please check your goods carefully before buying them. A customer discovered her pasta packet full of bugs only when she reached home. She said she bought it from Lotopa.

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