Between the Lines


There could be changes made to the law to stop the offering of honorary matai titles. It is still in the discussion process and nothing concrete has been given to the drafters.


There are also talks of abolishing the roles of the village mayors and women reps who are paid by government. This indicates the government’s intention of tightening spending.


There can be a hundred denials but the power surges and outages in the last month have not been funny. Businesses relying on electricity have said that they felt the pinch.


Road markings along the highway need attention. They are barely visible during the heavy downpour and worse when it is raining at night.


Some of those who rely on the social welfare grant of $100 every month have not received their money. It could be just a hiccup in the payment system but some of them are people with disabilities.


Kudos to good Samaritans who on their Sunday morning walk were working around with garbage bags and collecting litter along the seawall.


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