Are the state of emergency restrictions clear?

By Marc Membrere 08 September 2020, 9:00AM

Falani Sione, 40, Malifa

There isn't any two meter social distancing enforced in nightclubs and there a lot of people there. There should be social distancing. There isn't any social distancing at all in many places.

Lolina Filo, 48, Malaela

There is social distancing in church but there isn't any in many other places. There isn't any social distancing at all, especially in the nightclubs. It shouldn't only be for churches, it should also be for nightclubs and at other events such as weddings.

Keleki Sione, 63, Salelesi

If there is a limit on people in certain places then what about school? I think we should go back to having classes on different days. From what I know, the restrictions should be everywhere, not only churches. You go to church to pray and that one day is when we go to church to worship God. But now there are restrictions and there is only one church service, not two like how it was before. I don't think there are any similar restrictions in nightclubs or schools. I think these restrictions aren't clear enough.

Tino Tuuu, 27, Saanapu

There is no disease in Samoa. There should be restrictions on other places too such as nightclubs, the park, and other places that are filled with people and also places where food is served. The restrictions aren't clear enough.

Fuaselela afua, 29, Saanapu

If these are the restrictions happening during church services then there should also be restrictions at other places, especially nightclubs. It shouldn't be just churches. We only go to church one day a week but other places like the nightclub are used every day so it should be strict in other places.

Mele Ioane, 23, Saleimoa

People go to the church to pray. There should also be a limit on the number of people in nightclubs. There are some rules that are clear. There should be the same restrictions on other places, not only churches.

By Marc Membrere 08 September 2020, 9:00AM
Samoa Observer

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