Women's rugby have own union

By Shalveen Chand 30 January 2024, 5:22PM

The Samoa Women’s Rugby Union has been re-established to promote the growth of the sport and ensure Samoan women are represented at international competitions.

The re-establishment of the women’s union commenced in April 2023 by a small group of men and women who were currently active at the time as coaches, managers, players, and administrators in the women’s game in Samoa.

“The Annual General Meeting was held at Lakapi Samoa Headquarters in November 2023. The Samoa Women’s Rugby Union is now led by President Sifuiva Malaea Lauano who is currently the school principal at Leifiifi College and has been a strong advocate of women’s rugby development in Samoa,” said a statement issued by Lakapi Samoa.

“Former Manusina player; Luamanuvae Poto Lio was elected as the Vice President along with Secretary Unasa Tepora To’oa Tu’i and Treasuarer Tamara Sootaga Mealoi.”

According to the statement, the union will promote and improve the development of women’s rugby in Samoa, develop the necessary skills of the game and a sense of sportsmanship and fair play, and provide the facilities and the infrastructure that allow for continued participation in women’s rugby, and increase community- based participation in women’s rugby and the affiliated sub-unions.

“I believe that the talents and the skills of rugby are with our local girls all we have to do is develop and give them the chance to showcase the talents they have. This can be achieved by providing opportunities within our communities so that they can play, participate, and believe in themselves that they can do it” said President Sifuiva.

“It is everyone’s responsibility, the leaders the principals, the parents, the teachers, the sponsors, and the whole community. We have witnessed the growth of women’s rugby and it is our responsibility to make sure the young females of Samoa experience and benefit from women’s rugby just like in other countries of the world.

“Our main office will be at the Lakapi Samoa High Performance Unit and we thank Faleomavaega Vincent Fepulea’i; Chief Executive of the Lakapi Samoa for his support. There will be a calendar of events for this year to be advertised soon.”


By Shalveen Chand 30 January 2024, 5:22PM
Samoa Observer

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