All children must get education: MEC
The Ministry of Education and Culture in their "Faailo Ao" programme has encouraged parents to send their children to school and there shouldn't be any reason for a child not to attend school.
Principal School Operations Officer Faasootauloa Levusi Levi has enforced and encouraged teachers, principals, and school inspectors to accept students no matter what their educational circumstances may be.
"Some of the excuses used by parents is that there is not enough money to do their kid's birth certificate, but I encourage you to take your kid to school while you start saving up money for his/her birth certificate. We all understand how important education is to our children's lives," he said.
One of the panelists, Fata Joseph Iosefo who is the Senior School Operations Officer agreed and said that parents should prioritise their children's future.
"That is why we have these big annual conferences to remind our colleagues about our policies and guidelines to lead our work. But yes, take your children to school."
Savea Pasi Levi who is the School Inspector for Anoamaa 1 in his remarks agreed with both statements made by the operations officers. However, he wants to highlight some of the challenges faced by parents.
"We have heard from both Fata and Faasoo as they are the people who are responsible for enforcing this law. This is a great opportunity to enlighten this topic as we are near that time of the year when parents will now have to register their children in a school," he said.
"This is one of the challenges that some parents face. That is coming to register their kids and they get turned down. As a school inspector, I humbly ask our teachers and principals to please seek our help if what we give does not help the situation. Then take the matter to the Ministry."
Parents have been encouraged to ensure that their children's education is their priority.