16-year-old Shana tops Wesley College

By Poasa Solomona 30 November 2023, 7:30PM

Faalogo and Nelissa Ailaoa beamed with pride when their daughter Shana Faalogo Ailaoa was named the top student of Wesley College for this year.

The 16-year-old from Malie topped her class to place first in English, Accounting, Economics, and Computer and third in Mathematics.

Ms. Faalogo acknowledged the support of her parents and family while giving thanks to God for his blessing throughout her journey in an interview with the Samoa Observer on Thursday.

Despite finding the subjects difficult, she still tried to make every effort to study late at night because she wanted the best for her parents.

“Of course my parents, my prayer warriors who prayed for me, my family and friends, different people who encouraged me throughout my journey,” she said. “The glory is not ours but God’s grace that brought me through.

“This year’s journey was not easy because of the fact that all the subjects and internal assessments were difficult, but I challenged myself to do my best to reciprocate the hard work of my parents.”

Ms. Faalogo said she wanted to become an auditor in the future but it will depend on what God’s plan is for her future.

"I chose to enrol in commerce because I want to become an auditor in the future and I believe it will benefit my family, but if God has another plan for me, I will follow it."

 Her father, Faalogo Ailaoa dedicated her achievements to God and for answering their prayers while sharing the message for other parents to prioritise their children and put God before everything else.

“We are very proud of our daughter’s achievement for this academic year and the glory must return to our heavenly Father for answering our prayers and for helping her to come this far,” he said.

“This is also a message that I want to share with other parents, prioritize and guide your children in the ways of the Lord and He will give you what the heart desires.”

According to Mr. Ailaoa, this is not the end of her story. He said he will continue to pray for God’s guidance upon her daughter if she makes it to the National University of Samoa (NUS) because it is going to be a new experience and a new journey for her.

The young lady shared a message to the students of the school and her fellow graduates: “Put God first in every path you take, don’t give up and keep fighting for a better future.”

By Poasa Solomona 30 November 2023, 7:30PM
Samoa Observer

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