Girl tops Don Bosco plumbing class

By Faynihanthia Fereti 29 November 2023, 7:00PM

The phrase 'girls can do anything' may have become a cliche but Menorah Asomuamua of Don Bosco showed that this was true and that even a girl can be at the top of the class when it comes to trade studies.

She was named the top student of Don Bosco’s Plumbing Course and dedicated her achievements to her family, saying that they are the driving force behind her achievements.

The Don Boscos prize giving ceremony was conducted on Wednesday morning at Alafua and was attended by family and friends to commemorate the students' achievements throughout the academic year.

Hailing from the villages of Tafaigata, Vaisigano and Samalaeulu Savaii, Ms. Asomuamua said she is hoping to pursue a higher qualification in the same field.

Asomuamua, 19, could not hold back tears when she was called up to the stage to receive the trophy.

Speaking about her success, she said it hasn't been an easy journey with all the struggles and financial problems she and her family faced  and it made her strive hard to give back to her family and siblings.

"You don't get something from doing nothing," she said. "But I've learned the hard way and seen the struggle my family had to go through just so I can have a fully paid tuition before every year's deadline.

"We are so unique and all of us have a potential inside of us. If you believe in yourself, then with God's guidance, you can display and achieve what is inside of you," she said.

However, she is a true believer in the old saying that hard work pays off.

"Never undermine your abilities if you set your mind into something then do it with all that you have and always think of where you come".

There were a total of 12 students in the Plumbing Course. There are eight different vocational training courses available at Don Bosco.

By Faynihanthia Fereti 29 November 2023, 7:00PM
Samoa Observer

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