Antoine, Kalani love everything about Samoa

By Gutu Faasau 19 September 2023, 8:44PM

Frenchman Antoine Boussange has fallen in love with Samoa and he and his partner Kalani Ianusi opted for a real Samoan experience by renting a fale on the south coast of Upolu.

In an interview with the Samoa Observer, the 33-year-old tourist said staying on the south coast has enabled them to enjoy the beautiful scenery as well as the culture. 

He said they are visiting Samoa from New Zealand, where the weather is cold and the opportunity to get away to sunny Samoa couldn't be missed with the couple soaking up the sunshine. On Tuesday, they took a stroll through town and visited the Fugalei market where one of the first things they bought was local food. 

“The food is great. I have had palusami before but not one originally from here and I love palusami,” said Mr. Boussange. “The weather is nice and even in the rain it is warm and we can still go to the beach. 

"We came from somewhere cold and this is not too hot, I thought that it would be a little bit hotter but this is just nice.”

Kalani also has Samoan as well as Australian heritage and traced her Samoan roots to the villages of Saluafata and Ulutogia. Currently, she resides with her partner in New Zealand. The couple will be staying for a total of 12 days in Samoa and also plan to visit Savai'i for half of the time they are in Samoa. 

“I am always impressed by the hospitality and the genuine kindness of Samoan people. We grew up in a place where there are a lot of Polynesians and we are a bit more aware of social things,” said Kalani.

Mr. Boussange added that the Samoan people are also happy-natured, saying: “The people are happy, they work their fields and they are in nature all day being happy and that is what we want to see."

It has been 11 years since Kalani, 34, was last in Samoa and she has noticed a lot more development on the island since their arrival from New Zealand. 

“I have noticed all the cell phone towers going up and I think that a lot of these developments have the potential to infringe on a lot of the traditional ways like the natural environment," she said.  "I personally feel like in the West, we have seen a lot of damage done but it also gives people the opportunity to communicate with others."

“You see a lot of the amazing scenery that has been the same for thousands of years and then those towers are coming up," added Mr. Boussange. 

The couple hope to make the most of their stay in Samoa and believe that upon their return to the cold of New Zealand, they will have warm memories of the country. They said they are keen on making another trip to Samoa. 

By Gutu Faasau 19 September 2023, 8:44PM
Samoa Observer

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