Made for pleasure
Think a minute…Sex was God’s idea. God created sex in marriage for pleasure. The problem is that we have misused and twisted God’s plan for sex. We ruin this beautiful gift from God by using sex wrongly.
So we actually hurt ourselves with wrong kinds of sex that were never intended for us. Sex is like our other appetites. Just like our appetite for food is to keep our body strong and healthy, sex has 2 main purposes: for PLEASURE and PROCREATION or having children. So we must use our sex drive in the right way for it to work best for us.
The only way sex can be fully enjoyed is in marriage. It’s not lust and desire for anybody we want, so we can just use them to make us feel good for the moment.
God designed us so that sex we have with anyone who is not our wife or husband is not pleasure that will keep satisfying us for a lifetime, because it’s not a permanent, secure relationship.
What’s more, sex with others you do not know well is extremely dangerous because of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Remember, you’re not only having sex with that one person, but you’re having sex with every other person they have ever had sex with!
God intended sex to continually get better in marriage because you love and know each other better through the years. So even though your children are grown up, that does not mean sex has finished serving its purpose.
God’s plan for sex is much more than that. Remember, sexual closeness in marriage is for both the husband’s and wife’s pleasure. That’s the kind of love God created for us to express and enjoy. Passionate love that satisfies your wife or husband and not just you.
If you’re married and don’t enjoy close, intimate love in your relationship, then you’re missing one of the greatest gifts God has given to us human beings. So why not ask Jesus to forgive you for your wrongs in your life and marriage.
Then ask Him to start changing you into a new person who learns to love your mate the way God wants you to. It’s only then that your marriage can start becoming the happy, satisfying one you want for the rest of your life. Just Think a Minute…