Land secured for Lefaga and Faleaseela hospital

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 26 June 2024, 9:30AM

Land for the proposed district hospital for the constituency of Lefaga and Faleaseela has been secured and the project looks to source funding from a partnership with the Government. 

The Member of Parliament for Lefaga and Faleaseela, Masinalupe Makesi Masinalupe confirmed the latest progress.

Speaking about the 2024–2025 National Budget debate on Tuesday, Masinalupe said this was a priority for his constituency. 

First on the M.P.'s priority list is the proposed district hospital. He said this was the subject of several visitations he made to the Minister of Health, Valasi Tafito Selesele.

He said during those visitations the Minister told him he did not have all the paperwork for the proposed work.  

Masinalupe told the House his electorate plans to fund its district hospital in the spirit of joining hands with the Government in a partnership to assist in areas they could not.    

He said the most challenging part of the project was securing land to construct the new hospital noting the many obstacles due to multiple families claiming authority over the land. 

According to the M.P., three potential sites were considered for the project and assessed by the district council office. 

He said the land in Tafagamanu could not be used because it was too close to the coast and an investigation into land in Matautu found that it was too close to the Saanapu District Hospital. 

Masinalupe said a piece of land that was central in the district, near the road, was for sale was for sale, and there was no petition against its use. 

The M.P. did not name where the land is located. He assured the paperwork was completed and was before the Minister of Health. 

He said the work from his side was completed and was now left to the Minister and his Ministry to do their part. 

There used to be a district hospital in Lefaga and Faleaseela but closed because of the deteriorating structure from its proximity to the sea. 

Parliament debate on the main budget resumed at 5 p.m. until late at night and will continue on Wednesday. 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 26 June 2024, 9:30AM
Samoa Observer

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