Soifua Manuia Clinic returns

By Talaia Mika 13 April 2024, 11:00PM

The United States Embassy announced the return of the Soifua Manuia Clinic to Samoa with a dedicated team of 50 U.S. Army Reserve medical professionals from the United States. 

The 1984th U.S. Army Hospital-Pacific team members will be providing a range of healthcare services, including check-ups, health screenings, specialized expertise, dental services, diagnostic services, and women's health services. 

Additionally, through its partnership with the Ministry of Health, it aims to not only address current health issues in the country but also to share knowledge and expertise with local healthcare professionals to ensure sustainable and lasting improvements in healthcare delivery.

This initiative is part of an ongoing partnership between the United States and the Government of Samoa, facilitated through the Ministry of Health. 

The Soifua Manuia Clinic previously visited Samoa in October with U.S. Army Nurses and Medics and is now returning to continue providing important healthcare with Surgeons, Doctors, Dentists, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, and Medics, support to the people of Samoa.

The medical team will be stationed at various hospitals across Samoa from April 15 to 24, offering their services to those in need. The team is committed to improving health outcomes and providing essential care to individuals in the community.

“We are thrilled to be back in Samoa and to continue our partnership with the Ministry of Health,” said Colonel Paz Nuanez. 

“Our team is dedicated to providing healthcare services, building medical capacity, and we are excited to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of the Samoan people.”

The Soifua Manuia Clinic is known for its commitment to delivering compassionate care and expertise to underserved communities. 

The clinic’s return to Samoa demonstrates its ongoing dedication to supporting global health efforts in the Pacific and making a difference in the lives of individuals throughout the Blue Pacific.

“I am thrilled to have the Soifua Manuia clinic back in Samoa, following on its previous October visit that was well received by the people of Samoa. I know that these Clinics will continue to build networks and partnerships between the United States and Samoa,” said U.S. Chargé d’Affaires. 

“Together, we work towards a healthier future for Samoa.”

Locations include: for Upolu: TTM Motootua Hospital; Leulumoega District Hospital; Poutasi District Hospital; and Lufilufi District Hospital.  Savaii: MTII Tuasivi Hospital; Safotu District Hospital; and Sataua District Hospital.

By Talaia Mika 13 April 2024, 11:00PM
Samoa Observer

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