No major damages to Matautu wharf

By Talaia Mika 03 April 2024, 7:00PM

The Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) of the Samoa Ports Authority (S.P.A.), Sooalo Kuresa Sooalo has confirmed that the inspection of the Matautu Wharf for possible damages from the extreme currents earlier this year has been completed.

He told this newspaper that there were no major damages and costs to the pier.

"The inspection has been completed and there was nothing, no major damages and costs," he said.

"It was just some small things at the back (of the wharf) but overall nothing."

Sooalo was queried about the result of the inspection and an estimation of the cost of damage to the Matautu Wharf due to high and strong currents in January this year.

This is the first time in a while that extreme weather conditions are affecting the coastal areas including the wharf, and some shipping agents were concerned for the future of the wharf in the long run.

Sooalo told this newspaper in a previous interview that the assessment of the wharf structure needed to be carried out by the experts to quote an estimate of the damage caused by the surge.

He also confirmed that the Apia International Port had been re-opened for normal vessel operations after closure for several days due to extreme and high swell. 

Meanwhile, Samoa Global Shipping Services Chief Executive Officer Mua'ausa Fiona Tabouli told this newspaper at the time that it was a big concern. 

"It's nothing new to the wharf but it was different this year. It has got worse and my understanding is that this is all part of climate change that is affecting every nation," she said.

Meanwhile, there is currently a breakwater project that is underway for the wharf by the government to combat the increasing ocean currents which continue to cause chaos to the wharf and the coast.

"There have been many releases on this project and your newspaper also published many articles on it," Sooalo explained.

On another note, work on the expansion of the Apia  Port is expected to be completed in March next year as the Samoa Ports Authority managed to sort out concerns addressed by the by residents of Matautu.

The Enhancing Safety, Security, and Sustainability of Apia Port is funded by the Asian Development Bank.

Sooalo assured that all issues raised have been dealt with accordingly.

By Talaia Mika 03 April 2024, 7:00PM
Samoa Observer

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