The question of democracy
Re: The man of the moment, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi!
Good observation.
My husband and I were just speaking about democracies and dictatorships.
He said “all dictators were bad”. I said, “some are while others are not”. I said, “Hitler was an example of a very bad dictator, while Tuilaepa was an example of a not as bad of a dictator”.
Modern China is an example of a not so bad dictator, Fidel Castro was another example of not so bad. Mussolini, bad, Pol Pot very bad. We both agreed that democracy is very flawed.
Although I disagree with DJT that the media is the enemy of the American people, because of which media outlet he sees as the bad ones, ie CNN, Washington Post, etc... and who he sees as the good ones, ie Fox News, I agree with Noam Chomsky, “the media to democracy is what violence is to totalitarianism”.
In Samoa I would tweak Chomsky’s quote and say, “Christianity to democracy is what violence is to totalitarianism”.
The media in the west keeps people enslaved to the powers that control their minds, just like Christianity in Samoa keeps the Samoan people enslaved to the masters by controlling their minds. Anyway, good reading your thoughts.
Wendy Wonder