Little Angels Foundation to the rescue
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Most parents would do anything to keep their children safe.
But what can parents do when their child is sick and requires an urgent cardiac surgery.
The parents of a 5-year-old have sought help with Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G) to assist with the travel costs for their son’s operation in New Zealand. Their son is suffering from rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease that wasn’t letting his body healthy.
Both parents’ struggle as they both do not have a steady source of income to cater for their sick son’s needs. A New Zealand Paediatric Cardiologist has confirmed that their child is suffering from acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease and urgently requires cardiac surgery.
The son was fortunate to be seen by a visiting pediatric cardiologist from New Zealand on 6 October 2016 and the parents were advised that their son’s condition is getting worse day by day and that an urgent cardiac surgery is required.
The parents shed tears as they tell of how their son loves watching Manu Samoa rugby games, watching cartoons, eating ice cream, candies and loves to play like any other child would love to do.
Both have told of how their full of life son has changes slowly to a sick and lifeless boy.
“All he does now is just sleeps and cries most of the nights, and says he feels pain in his heart,” says the father.
The family rarely meets their everyday needs and sometimes relies on their extended family to help with food and medical check-up expenses for their son at the Tupua Tamasese Meaole Hospital Moto’otua.
The child and his parents have been at the Hospital for three months now.
The parents pleaded to the Samoa Victim Support Group to help with the daily needs of their child while in hospital as well as to secure a donor to assist with their travel expenses for overseas medical treatment.
On Friday, 21 October 2016 the parents were surprised by the Little Angel’s Foundation visitation, a foundation that caters for the well-being of vulnerable children.
A monetary donation of $500 was presented to the parents to assist with their passports. More financial assistance is needed for their New Zealand Visa and airfares.
Part of the Little Angels Foundation donation included bags of rice, sugar, bucket of crackers, boxes of noodles and twisties and cloths from Samoa Victim Support Group was also presented by the Little Angels Foundation to Angel Isaako and Angel Vitale.
President Siliniu Lina Chang sincerely acknowledges the support from the Little Angles Foundation from New Zealand for remaining true to our partnership.
“We are very blessed to have the Little Angels Foundations help in assisting the sick children coming through the Samoa Victim Support Group doors,” she said.
“Sincerest thank you to the Director of the Little Angels for their vision that no matter the circumstances, our children are angels to the foundation. Thank you so much for enabling the Samoa Victim Support Group to help our sick children in need.”