Between the Lines


The timing for a police roadblock on Tuesday may not have been the best as traffic converged to Malua as they gear up for their annual conference. People found themselves in traffic for more than an hour.


Be careful at crossroads. An accident took place at one of the many crossroads in the area. It is always better to stop. Luckily, no one was injured in the crash.


Ironically, a national emergency has been declared regarding dengue but there are drains still clogged and breeding huge amounts of mosquitoes. Whose responsibility is it to clean these?


There will be job losses when the three state-owned enterprises become government departments but this will also mean an increase in the workload for senior staff.


There will be no rugby tournaments at a prominent school for the next four years. Could this mean that students playing rugby will start looking for other schools?


An investment in speed cameras is needed. Some vehicles are speeding along the roads in the town area after 10 pm. Not only are the cars fast but loud as well.

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